Paul Graham Stanley

Paul Graham Stanley


Spain, USA & Venezuela

Paul Stanley joined the JAHP Board in the year 2002. He is the co-founder and President of two not for profits, Angel Conservation based in the U.S and Fundación Etnika in Caracas. He is of English descent and resided in Brooklyn, New York from 1986 to 2011 after which he moved to Caracas, Venezuela to be with his wife. Paul is the proud father of two grown lads who live in England. He is a self-proclaimed traveler and entrepreneur and has always enjoyed travel and immersing himself in local cultures on his world travels. Through his journeys he has developed a special relationship with Venezuela, its people, the biodiversity and different cultures – most especially the Pemón of Kamarata Valley.

Most of Paul’s working life has been in the printing and publishing business, having worked for twenty years in the United States in sales and strategic development. He has sat on a number of boards, including the Jimmie Angel Historical Project and Literacy Assistance Center in New York City, and has raised money for many causes through the years.

Paul says, “I originally formed an ecotourism company, Angel-Eco Tours, Inc to work exclusively with Venezuela for one reason – to help support the indigenous communities in Kamarata Valley. Collaborating with the Pemón we developed a sustainable model of tourism and now I am happy to say that we can now reach out to the whole community through Angel Conservation and Fundación Etnika’s Not-for-Profit models. In all honesty I want to help the Pemón more than anything – they have become special friends. Their culture and language are in danger of being lost as the elders in the community pass on. If we could have some successes in Canaima there are many other cultures worldwide that could benefit from the programs that we are developing.”

Paul’s background includes extensive international and national (U.S.A.) travel, communications, marketing and technology as it relates to the printing/ publishing industries and the promotion of ecotourism in Venezuela. He attended the launch at the United Nations of The Year of Ecotourism and also the inaugural conference in Quebec City on Sustainable Development.