

The Jimmie Angel Historical Project (JAHP) is incorporated in the State of California as a nonprofit, public benefit corporation, Federal Tax ID 68-0372407. All contributions are fully tax-deductible under section 501(c) (3) of the IRS Code.

Every dollar donated to the JAHP helps and is more than appreciated.

General Support

An unrestricted gift to the JAHP helps us achieve our mission:

JAHP research to provide accurate information about aviator-explorer James “Jimmie” Crawford Angel (1899-1956), his friends and associates, and their era of exploration with an emphasis on exploration in Venezuela during the 1920s through the 1940s.

JAHP maintains an archive of photographs, documents and published materials that is shared by appointment with journalists, filmmakers, museum curators, teachers and students.

JAHP works in cooperation with individuals, organizations, and governmental agencies that are interested in the preservation of Jimmie Angel’s airplane El Rio Caroni which is a national monument in Venezuela. With proper conservation El Rio Caroni will be preserved for future generations to see.

JAHP website maintenance.

Contributions to the Jimmie Angel Historical Project should be payable to the JAHP.
Mail to: Jimmie Angel, 931 Hill Street, Unit#1, Eureka, CA 95501-1241, U.S.A.