JAHP Archive
Individuals who wish to research materials in the Jimmie Angel Historical Project (JAHP) Archive must schedule their research dates and hours at least two weeks in advance with Karen Angel, JAHP Archivist. The JAHP Archive is located in Eureka, California. Please contact: Archive@jimmieangel.org.
In addition to historical photographs from the extensive Jimmie Angel Historical Project Archive, the JAHP is honored to include historic photographs taken by Carlos A. Freeman and Gustavo “Cabuya” Heny in the JAHP Archive. The photographs presented on the JAHP website are representative of the hundreds of photographs in the Archive.
The Freeman Archive is made available by Harry and Elizabeth “Betty” Christian of Houston, Texas. Betty Christian is the step daughter of Carlos A. Freeman.
The Heny Archive is made available by Enrique Lucca of Caracas, Venezuela. Enrique Lucca is the lifelong friend and photo executor for Gustavo Heny.
Copies of photographs and documents may be licensed for publication. For “Permission to Publish,” publication fees, and “Permission to Quote” from Research Papers, please contact Archive@jimmieangel.org.